Daphnique Springs on the myriad ways fans can support their favorite creators

2 декабря 2021 г.

Daphnique Springs is a stand-up comedian and an actress with a substantial fan base on Facebook (3M followers) and Instagram (478K), who’s also a member of We The Culture’s inaugural class.

The comedian has been able to harness a variety of products to monetize her content and her audience–from Stars and In-Stream Ads to Paid Online Events*, Subscriptions and Shops.

* Onboarding for Paid Online Events is closed.

In an interview, Springs shared how she started out as a content creator, when she started generating revenue from Facebook and her advice to aspiring creators who’d like to do the same. This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.

How did you get started as a creator on Facebook and Instagram?

I am a stand-up comic and an actress and in 2013, I heard about a new app that lets you create short-form video content. While that app no longer exists, I was able to meet other creators and build relationships. In 2017, I decided to try out Facebook and put out some of my own sketches [on the platform]. In 2018, after I did a screen test for a major network sketch variety show and did not get accepted, I decided to go all in on making content for Facebook–it’s the same year that they opened up monetization for creators for videos over 3 minutes. I’d shoot for two to three days a week and put out five to eight sketches a week.

“[Y]our community has many options to support you as a creator. Someone might say, ‘I’m such a loyal fan, I’ll watch your content and share it,’ and that translates to in-stream ad revenue. Someone else may enjoy your content and think, ‘I want to see what else you have, I’m going to subscribe’ or ‘this video made my day today, I related to this, I’m willing to give you $2,” and they do that through Stars. I also like going live, answering questions and giving shoutouts. I’ve experimented with Paid Online Events and want to do more of that in the future.”

When did you realize you can make revenue using Facebook?

I knew Facebook was working on [monetization] tools because I had friends who were beta testing, so I knew it was coming and I kept checking Creator Studio. In July 2018 I was able to start monetizing through ads. It took me six months to get my feet wet. I had to learn to push my content from six seconds to 30 seconds to three minutes. I had to figure out what long-form comedy looked like. In January 2019, I came up with a game plan.

How do you approach the different monetization tools, from Stars and Subscriptions to Paid Online Events and In-Stream Ads, separately and together?

I treat each one separately, depending on the audience. They’re all tools that give you the ability to monetize your community but not everybody responds to things the same way.

Someone might say, “I’m such a loyal fan, I’ll watch your content and share it,” and that translates to in-stream ad revenue. Someone else may enjoy your content and think, “I want to see what else you have, I’m going to subscribe” or “this video made my day today, I related to this, I’m willing to give you $2,” and they do that through Stars. I also like going live, answering questions and giving shoutouts. I’ve experimented with Paid Online Events and want to do more of that in the future [In October and November 2020, Daphnique staged two Paid Online Events; 740+ fans paid $9.99 each to get access to one of her shows].

The bottom line is, your community has many options to support you as a creator.

You have a Facebook Shop. How does merchandise factor into your business?

Your audience wants to support you, they want a piece of you. They can have a piece of your content but for those that want a tangible piece, memorabilia, they can find that in my shop. I started with lipstick. I love it, I always have, and I realized why build up another brand when I can build my own and sell it to my community? So I have my Facebook Shop and my website.

You have two Facebook Groups. What purpose do they serve? What goes down in those private groups?

My one group, Daphnique Springs Crazy-ish Group, has 42K members. The Daphnique Springs Group has 14K. Groups are a way for me and my audience to have private dialogue, and for them to converse with each other in a group setting, which is different from doing it publicly. In my groups, I never see negative comments, nothing derogatory. If someone joins my group it’s like they’re saying, “I’m all for Daphnique and what she represents.”

How do you motivate yourself to produce content consistently?

I shoot one day a week and I know I can knock out six-seven hours of content: four sketches, four or five Reels. Focusing on one day means I don’t overwhelm myself. I see comedians starting out, they want to create content every day. But that’s not always realistic– you have work, you have a family, you have other things going on.

I tell creators who want to stay consistent: Schedule your time to have shoot days and shoot as much content as you can to release over the week.

What other advice do you have for creators who want to use Facebook and/or Instagram to build their business?

Don’t get discouraged by numbers, how many Likes and followers you get. If you continue to make consistent content, everything will fall into place. And before you reach out to collaborate, show that you can create on your own. That way you have a portfolio of work to show others when you approach them, you can showcase your value.

And stop thinking you need expensive equipment. Don’t rush out and spend a ton of money. Practice being consistent and putting out content, you can always elevate your cameras and lighting later.

How about comedians who are starting out, any advice for emerging creators in your space?

Being in LA, there are two tiers: You’re either rich or you’re poor. It’s hard to break through. You can get jobs that don’t pay the rent. And you don’t get paid to audition or rehearse. In Hollywood, you’re waiting for someone else to give you a chance. Someone else to choose you. If you love to create art, why not put it out every day on your own terms, on your own platform?

Putting myself on Facebook shows industry folks that I am able to attract an audience, I have value. It’s global too–I get messages from Russia, South Africa, Dubai. I get to create my own show and make a living. How can you create income for yourself? Someplace that’s built on you and the amount of work you’re willing to put in? That’s Facebook, that’s what Facebook has done for me.

How does Creator Studio help you fine-tune your content?

It’s helped me over the years figure out my retention value: How many people fell off after 3 seconds, 1 minute, how many viewed all the way through. It helped me cultivate my content: I learned I need to get to the point, not drag it out. I recommend looking at the analytics on a laptop, not a phone.

I also use Creator Studio to schedule posts so that I’m not spending every day uploading content. If day one is shooting, day two is uploading content and scheduling for the week.

How has We The Culture’s creator program helped you optimize your content, audience and business?

We The Culture gave us a lot of practical tools through classes and live events. I was able to meet and connect with other creators who are outside of comedy. I know many, many comedians, so this was an opportunity for me to meet makeup creators, people in publishing, musicians. We were able, in breakout rooms, to talk to each other, learn from each other’s experiences and connect.

What’s next for you, what’s in store for Daphnique Springs fans?

I’ll continue to create, continue to grow and elevate my audience. I’m getting into long-form, interested in feature films, but also short form. Stay tuned!


Six figures in estimated In-Stream Ads earnings in July-September 2021, nearly doubling the earnings over the previous period

According to Facebook data. Results are not identically repeatable. Generally expected individual results will differ.

We’re excited to announce the We The Culture creator program is back for a second year! The program is designed to provide Black creators with an opportunity to scale their creativity through access to funding and resources, to grow their community and build a business across our technologies.

To be considered for the program, please submit your application by 8 AM PT on Monday, December 6, 2021.



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